Fistandantilus Reborn (Lost Gods Book 2) by Douglas Niles

Fistandantilus Reborn (Lost Gods Book 2) by Douglas Niles

Author:Douglas Niles [Niles, Douglas]
Language: eng
Format: azw3
ISBN: 9780786964093
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast Publishing
Published: 2012-10-16T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter 23

The Master of Loreloch

First Majetog, Reapember

374 AC

Another bandit pressed forward, and Danyal caught his breath in sudden fear. The newcomer looked every bit the villainous wretch. One eye was missing, covered by a crusty black patch. A scruffy beard, tangled with mats, coated the man’s chin, and he opened his mouth to reveal numerous missing teeth. Dan recoiled from breath stinking of ale, garlic, and other, less readily identified odors.

“Let’s have yer purse, laddie,” growled the nearly toothless bandit, leering down at Danyal with an expression that churned the young man’s stomach into a roiling mess.

“I—I don’t have any money!” he stammered. He thought fleetingly of the silver belt buckle, nervously pulling down the front of his shirt to make sure the heirloom was covered.

“No money? Then I’ll have to take me booty from yer blood, I will!” The leering bully pulled out a long, wickedly curved knife, the blade gleaming sharp on both sides as he extended one edge to press against Danyal’s neck.

“Hold a minute, Zack,” said the first bandit, the one with the handsome, beardless face of a young man. Despite his ragged garb, there was a sense of nobility, or at least an element of graciousness, in the way he stood regarding the two captives with an expression of vague distaste.

“Aw, Kelryn!” Zack complained. “We’ll get naught from these blighters. Let’s just stick ’em and be on our merry way.”

“No,” declared the leader, studying Foryth Teel’s slender figure. “I’m curious. Why weren’t you frightened enough to go farther away? Instead, you build a fire that we can smell for a mile down the road! And what was all that about wanting to take notes?”

“I’m merely a humble researcher, attempting to conduct studies in the field.”

“Studies?” Kelryn stared curiously at Foryth Teel. “You’ve picked a rather strange place for your library, stranger.”

“The true historian must be willing to journey to strange places.”

The one called Kelryn acted as if he hadn’t heard. “You had a partner?” he mused, still studying Foryth Teel. “And all the time I thought you were alone.”

He turned to regard the youth. Despite the man’s smooth forehead, his strong chin and mouthful of clean white teeth, Danyal recalled—and confirmed—his earlier impression: This was a very dangerous fellow indeed. His eyes were dark and hooded, utterly devoid of compassion or any other human emotion. When he smiled, the expression seemed to Danyal like the toothy grin of a hungry cat.

The youth sensed that the situation had spun far beyond his control. “I wasn’t traveling with—”

“This is my squire,” Foryth interjected smoothly. “As a precaution, I had directed him to camp some distance away from my own sleeping place. I find it easier to complete my studies in solitude.”

“Bah!” Zack was still impatient. The frightening man with the knife felt the edge of his blade, and his one eye shone with eagerness as he regarded Danyal. “Like I says, boss, let’s be done about it.”

Again the leader chose to ignore his henchman’s suggestion. “What is the nature of your research?” he inquired instead.


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